Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography

October 15, 2024

Why Boudoir Photography?

I always tell people that I didn’t find boudoir photography.. it found me. I have a perspective of the human body as a canvas that shows our one of a kind story to the world. Never would I have guessed this is how I use that perspective and passion to show other women how incredible they are! This experience provides an ability to see yourself in a way that’s hard to see on your own. I’ve been down the road of self-destruction and self-healing, and learned sooo much along the way. How can I keep all those lessons to myself?

I absolutely love doing these sessions because it gives clients space to feel, to quiet the noise of the world, and to focus on reconnecting with themselves. In life, we have so many titles we go by and roles we play, and typically this puts us on the backburner. Some find their way out of that and find balance, while others struggle to even see a way out! They feel like they’re defined by their titles in life and that’s all they can be. Doing a session in my studio is giving yourself room to pamper and invest in yourself! You get to focus on YOU, whether you’re here to celebrate your life and accomplishments, or to help you in the growth process.

You’re beautiful and you DESERVE to know that… to feel that. I am simply the one holding up the mirror. Not the societal expectation mirror… the mirror that shows you off and allows you to feel a beautiful liberation in life.

The Transformation

The transformation that took place in my studio is the best part of the whole experience for me. When a woman arrives in my studio, most of the time she’s nervous! Those butterflies can really be a pain in the ass the morning of. Once they sit in the chair for hair and makeup though, the shift begins. Myself, Briana (makeup artist), Sarah G (hair artist), and our client start the best girl time sesh ever!! We hang out and chat about anything and everything while she relaxes and gets pampered to her liking. Sometimes the “letting lose” is instantaneous, other times it takes a little bit! Slowly, every client begins to settle into the relaxation 🙂

After that, we begin the session. This is just her and I, unless she brings a bestie! I walk her through every pose! Most of the time, I show a pose first before having her replicate it the best she can, and we make adjustments from there. Usually within the first few poses, I’ll show the client the back of the camera… which is always met with “HOLY SHIT… wait a hot minute…. noooo wayyy!!” and lots of laughter! We go from set to set flowing through every inspiration that comes, chatting and giggling through the whole thing. I capture images of her laughing, of her being herself, as well as my posing, and see it all come together beautifully!

By the time we finish the shoot, we’re pretty much besties. For real… I have met sooo many close friends just from all that have had sessions with me 🙂

We head into the reveal where her mind is blown. I show all images up on our big screen TV, and clients jaws drop to the floor. They see themselves in a light that shows them “wow, my tummy really doesn’t look that bad!” and “oh my gosh wait, where is my cellulite?!”. We are our own worst critics, and this is when they learn that lesson firsthand. Because what they’ve been so critical about, isn’t at the level they thought it was!! It makes the whole experience when they say they now understand what their spouse sees… what their friends see… they now know because they are seeing it for themselves. When they walk out that door, they’re smiling so big and they can’t wait to come back for more! I get texts within the next couple days at how sore they are, how incredible their mood has been, etc…

A Little Piece of My Story

I realized a little too late in life that I had a very codependent relationship with significant others. This had me wrapped up with guys that treated me poorly to the point where I would completely lose myself in the relationship. After many years of thinking this was just my life now, I discovered that codependency literally was my whole soul. I started diving in and doing my research, reading all the books on healing and busting myself out of that cycle. It was a 9 month process for me, and easily the hardest 9 months of my life. I had to learn how to say no, how to cut people out of my life that didn’t align with who I was.. pair that with a personality that feels bad “hurting others feelings” and you can probably see why it was so hard. Eventually though, I got to a spot of confidence, where I was surrounded by uplifting, supporting people! People who loved me AS IS, and not people who were trying to change me, or “get me to their level”. I was finally able to be just.. me! After so much abuse… this realization was the most liberating..

At the end of this whole process, I met my husband, Trev. Everything from then on just… happened and flowed! It all was meant to be, our lives merged together in the easiest way, and everything felt right. To this day, I can easily say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, because now happiness for our little family is top priority for ALL members.

This all led me to where I am now. Trev encouraged me to go full time photography (which he knew was a dream of mine, but in my head would never happen because that’s what my past peeps told me). I decided on boudoir as my niche not only because of my passion for it, but because I knew I could learn so much from other women’s journey, and I knew I had something to teach and give there as well. We all are here for each other through this experience and if I get to be a tool to helping a woman get closer to herself and her confidence, I’m HERE for it!

Photo Credit: ITLA Photography

Photo Credit: Brittnie Price - The Body Photographer

Photo Credit: Andi Boudoir

Photo Credit: Passio Photography

Yup! This is me at my boudoir shoot!!

I have a session of my own done every year! I fully believe in practice what you preach, and if I’m here helping women fall more in love with their bodies and their journeys, it’s my job to stay in love with mine! I’m also in therapy to help me heal from all the old shit that loves to keep sneaking up on me! <3 These sessions are always with different photographers that speak to me through their art, and I’ve had such different but amazing experiences every time! I learn something new about myself, I see myself in their eyes, I get to experience a new version of love for myself. I have albums printed for every session I’ve done 🙂

Interested in booking your boudoir experience with me?

Join our Facebook Community!

We have a VIP Facebook Group that focuses on learning about this experience and ways to love on yourself leading up to your shoot!


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